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Vol: 59(73) No: 2 / December 2014 

Comparative Study on Intrusion Detection Systems using Support Vector Machines Improved with Swarm Intelligence
Adriana-Cristina Enache
Politehnica University of Bucharest, Faculty of Automatic Control and Computer Science, Bucharest, Romania, Splaiul Independenței 313, e-mail: adryanaenache@gmail.com
Victor Valeriu Patriciu
Military Technical Academy, Faculty of Computer Science, Bucharest, Romania, George Coșbuc, 39-49, e-mail: vip@mta.ro

Keywords: Intrusion Detection, SVM, Swarm Intelligence

The dynamic and complex nature of cyber threats demands new security solution approaches that can offer defense and adapt to these continuous changes. Intrusion Detection Systems are a plausible security solution as they are capable to handle huge data and to recognize unknown attacks when based on anomaly detection. Support Vector Machines can enable intrusion detection and has several properties which recommend it for efficient implementations such as: good generalization, no local minima or fast execution time in high dimensional data. However, a shortcoming of SVM is that its performance results are influenced by user input parameters. In this paper we show a comparative study of proposed IDS which combine SVM with Swarm Intelligence Algorithms. We test our three proposed IDS models for the NSL-KDD dataset and empirically prove that SI can better the SVM classifier for intrusion detection.

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