Vol: 58(72) No: 1 / March 2013 Ontology Based Software Architecture for Composition of Geospatial Services Dubravka Sladić Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad /Department for Automation and Control, Trg Dositeja Obradovića 6, 2100 Novi Sad, Serbia, e-mail: dudab@uns.ac.rs Miro Govedarica Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad /Department for Automation and Control, Trg Dositeja Obradovića 6, 2100 Novi Sad, Serbia, e-mail: miro@uns.ac.rs Aleksandra Radulović Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad /Department for Automation and Control, Trg Dositeja Obradovića 6, 2100 Novi Sad, Serbia, e-mail: sanjicans@gmail.com Keywords: ontologies, geoservices, service composition, OGC Abstract This paper presents the software architecture for the composition of geospatial services that are used for the discovery, access, processing and visualization of spatial data in cadastral and spatial systems. The architecture is based on the current standards in the field of GIS and information technologies in general. In order to solve semantic problems, the process of service composition is enhanced with ontologies for data and services in cadastral and spatial systems which enable (semi) automation of the composition process by using reasoning over semantic descriptions of data and services. The prototype implementation is also presented. It includes ready made software components and the development of the new components. The architecture has been verified on the example of service composition process to determine areas that are influenced by both private (land ownership) and public law (land use planning, environmental protection, protection against hazards, natural resources protection and exploitation, etc.), i.e. where private and public laws overlap. 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